Find your way in the skincare jungle: 3 common mistakes

skincare jungle

It may sound easy, but the truth is that the many skincare options out there actually make it rather difficult for us to choose the right product when we’re looking for skincare. Which brand should you choose and what is the right product for particularly your skin? It can be confusing to navigate in and resist the overflowing choices and wonderful opportunities, skincare products offer. Take your time to really check out the products, so you know how or if they match your skin (type). 

1: We think expensive equals effective

Let’s be real; no matter the price, we all get pretty excited and happy about new skincare purchases – and want to use them immediately and all at the same time (just imagine my face when we launched woods_ copenhagen!). You may not think about it in your everyday life, but when it comes to skincare, we easily get tempted by all the wonderful options out there – something that can become an expensive journey. Of course, for some brands, expensive really equals quality. But you may consider doing your research first, before you go hunting for that miracle remedy. Although it’s fun and cheerful with new luxury products, it’s really important to remember that expensive not necessarily means effective.   

At woods_ copenhagen, we value and listen to our customers – and develop our products to meet and match your skin requirements and concerns. This is also why we put in a great deal of effort to provide you with detailed descriptions of all our products, so you know exactly what to look for and feel safe when choosing our products.    

The solution: 

The wide range of skincare options is often confusing and expensive, but at woods_ copenhagen, we think it shouldn’t be. Listen to your skin and opt for skincare from brands you can rely on – brands that really put in that extra effort and concern to meet your demands.

2: We don't know our skin type 

Knowledge is power. Therefore, knowing your skin type and how it behaves are two powerful navigation tools. Your decision and choice of product should solely be based on your skin type, if you want to take proper care of it. Different skin types require different care for the products to really work efficiently. If you use the wrong products, it can be ineffective – and at worst, confuse the skin completely. Learn how the ingredients match your type of skin, then tailor your selection of products accordingly. Another important thing is to be sure about what is beneficial for your skin; what does it need, what helps it, and what works against it. The skin is popularly divided into six different skin types: 


Less elastic
Easily irritated
Rough and flaky 
NORMAL Elastic
Even and has a healthy complexion
Rarely irritated   
OILY Shiny and uneven
Enlarged pores
Prone to pimples and spots due to overproduction of sebum (natural oil in skin)

Lacks fullness and elasticity 
Fine lines and wrinkles
Often feels more fragile and thin and sometimes with an uneven tone

SENSITIVE Dry and red in appearance
Often itchy and firm
Often reacts sensitively to some skincare products
Shiny and uneven
Often develops impurities in the T-zone 
Normal to dry around the cheek area  

The solution: 

Consider which of the six categories your skin type fits into and match your care according to this. Maybe it’s a combination of two different types – maybe your skin is dry in winter and normal during summer. Know your skin type and which skincare needs/problem you want the product to address/cure. If you're unsure about your skin type and don't really know how to decode it correctly, take our skin quiz here

skincare products Woods Copenhagen

3: We give up too easily and jump on to the next (product)

Here’s the thing about skincare products. They require patience. But the truth is we’re quick to toss the product away if it doesn’t work properly (well, at least as properly as we have the patience for) and immediately – and waiting next in line, is a new "miracle maker."   

A lot of different skincare products are equal to a lot of change in your skin’s daily balance. And as with everything else, the skin too needs time to adapt. Skincare is not just something to “wing off”, but it should be a fun, effective, and rewarding ride. Using a product once or twice without an immediate and desired result shouldn’t worry you (unless it isn’t the right one for your skin type), but it should be a journey you’re ready to go on, knowing it takes time – but the reward is worth it all!

The solution:

Patience is key. Trust the process and don’t stress your skin, but give it a chance to adapt and get used to the new wonderful properties your new skincare products contain.    

Psst… Treat your skin well. It’s a big part of you and controls a big part of your everyday life.